Craig Organek has been working in College and University Financial Aid Offices for over 25 years. He has experience with all types of Financial Aid programs including Grants and Scholarships, Work Study, and Loan programs. Craig has worked in Community Colleges, State Universities, and most recently as the Associate Director of Financial Aid at a well-established private College in southern California. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University At Albany in New York and a Master’s Degree from the University of Massachusetts.
Financial Aid can be a confusing and time-consuming process in which many families end up making mistakes that can be costly. Craig brings the attention to detail that will ensure that you and your family avoid the common pitfalls in reporting information on applications that can cost students and families thousands of dollars per year.
He will be with you every step of the way to assist you with all aspects of the College Financial Aid process and paying for college. He will evaluate all of your financial aid offers to ensure your family gets the best deal and make sure you and your student stay on track with all of the steps necessary to receive Financial Aid assistance.
克雷格·奥尔加内克(Craig Organek)在大学和大学的财务援助办公室工作已经超过24年。他拥有各种类型的财务援助项目经验,包括助学金和奖学金、工读计划以及贷款计划。克雷格曾在社区大学、州立大学工作过,并且最近担任过加利福尼亚南部一所知名私立大学的财务援助副主任。他拥有纽约奥尔巴尼大学的学士学位以及马萨诸塞大学的硕士学位.

Zoe Chang has been working in education for over 20 years. As a resource and referral teacher she has assisted the Chinese community in southern California to receive training and become properly licensed to be childcare providers. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Chapman University in Orange, California, and a Master’s Degree from Pacific Oaks University in Pasadena, California.
Zoe also teaches early childhood education classes at two colleges nationally. Zoe is a native Mandarin speaker who understands the needs and cultural sensitivities of the Chinese community. She will be there to assist Craig and your family to get through the College Financial Aid process.
L张晓儿(Zoe Chang)在教育领域工作已经超过20年。作为资源和转介老师,她协助加利福尼亚南部的华人社区接受培训,并获得合适的许可,成为儿童看护提供者。她拥有加州奥兰治的查普曼大学学士学位,以及加州帕萨迪纳的太平洋橡树大学的硕士学位。