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College grants and college scholarships are both forms of financial aid provided to students to help them cover the costs of their college education. However, there are some key differences between the two:

Purpose: College Grants are typically need-based and are awarded to students based on their financial need. Grants are often provided by the government, colleges, or other organizations and are intended to help students who may not have the financial means to pay for their education. Grants are designed to bridge the gap between what a student can afford to pay and the total cost of attending college.

Scholarships, on the other hand, can be both need-based and merit-based. While some scholarships consider financial need as a criterion, many are awarded based on a student’s academic achievements, talents, skills, or other criteria. (i.e. sports, music, leadership skills). Scholarships are often offered by colleges, universities, private organizations, or individuals who want to support and reward exceptional students.

Eligibility Criteria: Grants primarily consider a student’s financial need as the primary factor for eligibility. The amount of grant aid awarded is typically determined by the student’s demonstrated financial need, which is assessed through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or other institutional processes.

Scholarships, on the other hand, have a broader range of eligibility criteria. They may consider a student’s academic performance, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, community involvement, leadership abilities, athletic achievements, artistic talents, field of study, or specific demographic criteria. Scholarships are often competitive, and recipients are chosen based on their merits and alignment with the scholarship’s requirements.

Funding Sources: Grants are commonly funded by the government, both at the federal and state levels. They can also be provided by colleges, universities, and private organizations. The funds for grants are typically allocated to institutions or students based on established criteria and guidelines.

Scholarships, on the other hand, can be funded by a wide range of sources. They may come from colleges, universities, private organizations, corporations, foundations, or individual donors. Scholarships can be established to promote education, reward exceptional achievements, support specific fields of study, or assist students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Repayment: Grants, in general, do not require repayment. They are considered a form of gift aid that students are not expected to pay back. Grants are provided to help alleviate the financial burden of college expenses.

Scholarships, similarly, do not require repayment. However, some scholarships may have specific requirements or obligations attached, such as maintaining a certain GPA, participating in specific activities, or fulfilling service commitments. It is important for students to carefully review scholarship terms and conditions to understand any obligations associated with the scholarship.

In summary, college grants are primarily need-based and awarded to students based on financial need, while college scholarships can be need-based or merit-based and are awarded based on various criteria such as academic achievements, talents, skills, or specific demographic backgrounds. Both grants and scholarships serve the purpose of providing financial assistance to students, but they differ in terms of eligibility criteria, funding sources, and repayment expectations.


目的:大学助学金通常是根据学生的经济需求来授予的,因此是以需求为基础的。助学金通常由政府、学院或其他组织提供,旨在帮助那些没有经济能力支付教育费用的学生。助学金的设计目的是弥补学生能够支付的金额与大学学费的差距。 奖学金则可以是根据需求或者优秀表现来授予的。虽然一些奖学金会考虑经济需求作为条件,但许多奖学金是基于学生的学业成就、才能、技能或其他标准来授予的。奖学金通常由大学、学院、私人组织或个人提供,旨在支持和奖励优秀学生。

资格标准:助学金主要以学生的经济需求作为资格的主要因素。授予的助学金金额通常根据学生的经济需求确定,这是通过免费联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA)或其他机构流程进行评估的。 奖学金的资格标准更广泛。它们可能考虑学生的学业表现、标准化考试成绩、课外活动、社区参与、领导能力、体育成就、艺术才能、学科领域或特定人口背景等。奖学金通常是竞争性的,获奖者是根据他们的优点和与奖学金要求的符合程度来选择的。



偿还:助学金一般不需要偿还。它们被视为一种无需偿还的赠款援助形式,学生不需要偿还。助学金的目的是帮助减轻大学费用的经济负担。 奖学金同样也不需要偿还。然而,一些奖学金可能附有特定的要求或义务,比如保持一定的GPA绩、参加特定活动或履行服务承诺等。学生应仔细阅读奖学金条款和条件,了解与奖学金相关的任何义务。

