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FAFSA (联邦学生资助免费申请)

The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is a form used by students in the United States to apply for federal financial aid for higher education. It is administered by the US Department of Education and serves as the primary application for various federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.

The purpose of the FAFSA is to assess a student’s eligibility for need based financial aid, such as grants, work study programs, and loans. By submitting the FAFSA, students provide information about their family’s financial situation, including income, assets, and household size.

Here are some key points about the FAFSA:

Application Process:

The FAFSA can be completed online at the official FAFSA website ( ). The application opens on October 1st each year for the following academic year, and students are encouraged to submit the FAFSA as soon as possible to meet financial aid deadlines. 

Information Required:

The FAFSA collects information about the student such as their Social Security number, demographic details, and academic plans. It also gathers financial information about the student and their parents, including tax returns, income, and asset information.

Student Aid Index(SAI), formerly known as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC):

Upon completion of the FAFSA, a Student Aid Index (SAI) number is generated. The SAI helps financial aid offices at colleges and universities determine the student’s eligibility for need-based financial aid.

Aid Eligibility:

The FAFSA is used to determine eligibility for various federal financial aid programs, including the Pell Grant, Federal Work-Study, and Direct Loans. It is also used by states and institutions to assess eligibility for additional financial aid programs that may be offered.


The FAFSA needs to be completed annually for each academic year in order to qualify for financial aid. Students should update their FAFSA with the required financial information for accurate assessment.

Completing the FAFSA is an important step in accessing financial aid for college or university. It is recommended for all students, regardless of their financial circumstances, as many State and Institutional aid programs have different income/asset thresholds than the federal government or they may have other eligibility criteria.

It’s crucial to review and understand the specific financial aid deadlines and requirements of the institutions the student is applying to, as they may have additional forms or documentation needed beyond the FAFSA.

FAFSAFree Application for Federal Student Aid)是美国学生用来申请联邦高等教育财政援助的表格。它由美国教育部管理,作为各种联邦、州和机构的财政援助项目的主要申请表。




可以在官方FAFSA网站( )上在线完成FAFSA。每年101日开放申请,适用于接下来的学年,鼓励学生尽快提交FAFSA满足财政援助的截止日期。










In addition to the FAFSA application, your college may also require you to complete the CSS PROFILE application. There are over 240 colleges and universities nationwide that require this application. These colleges are primarily private colleges.




The CSS PROFILE (College Scholarship Service Profile) is an online financial aid application used by certain colleges, universities, and scholarship programs in the United states to determine eligibility for non-federal financial aid. Unlike the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), which is administered by the US Department of Education, the CSS profile is administered by the College Board.

Here are some key points about the CSS PROFILE:

Application Process:

The CSS PROFILE is completed online through the college board’s website at . It is separate from the FAFSA and requires a separate application fee for each college or program to which the student is applying.


The CSS PROFILE is typically used by private colleges and universities, as well as some public institutions, to assess a student’s eligibility for institutional financial aid. It is not used for federal aid programs. Some scholarship programs also require the CSS PROFILE.

Financial Information:

The CSS PROFILE collects detailed information about the student and parent’s financial situation, including income, assets, expenses, and household information. It may require more in-depth and nuanced financial information compared to the FAFSA.

Aid Calculation:

The CSS PROFILE uses its own methodology to calculate the  Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC helps financial aid offices at colleges and universities determine the student’s eligibility typically for college/university need-based aid programs funded by the college or university. This EFC calculation may differ from the SAI calculated through the FAFSA.

Deadlines and Requirements:

Each college or program that requires the CSS PROFILE sets its own deadlines and may have specific requirements. Students should carefully review the financial aid information provided by each institution to understand their deadlines and any additional documentation or forms required.

Fee Waivers:

Fee waivers may be available for students who demonstrate financial need. Eligibility for fee waivers is determined by the College Board and is based on the financial information provided in the CSS PROFILE application.

It is important to note that not all colleges and universities require the CSS PROFILE. It is primarily used by institutions that have their own institutional aid programs or need additional financial information beyond what is collected on the FAFSA. Students should check the financial aid requirements of each institution they are applying to determine if the CSS PROFILE is necessary.

Overall, the CSS PROFILE provides a more detailed and comprehensive financial picture for institutions to assess a student’s eligibility for non-federal financial aid.

CSS PROFILECollege Scholarship Service Profile)是一种在线财政援助申请,由美国的某些大学、大学和奖学金计划使用,用于确定非联邦财政援助的资格。与由美国教育部管理的FAFSAFree Application for Federal Student Aid)不同,CSS Profile由大学理事会(College Board)管理。

以下是关于CSS PROFILE的一些关键点:


过大学理事会的网站在线完成CSS PROFILE。它与FAFSA是分开的,每所大学或计划都需要单独的申请费。


CSS PROFILE通常由私立大学和大学以及一些公立机构使用,以评估学生是否有资格获得机构财政援助。它不用于联邦援助计划。一些奖学金计划也要求提交CSS PROFILE


CSS PROFILE收集有关学生及其父母的详细财务状况的信息,包括收入、资产、开支和家庭信息。相比于FAFSA,它可能需要更深入和细致的财务信息。


CSS PROFILE使用自己的方法来计算学生的学生援助指数(SAI),以前称为预期家庭贡献(EFC)。SAI有助于大学和大学的财政援助办公室确定学生是否有资格获得大学/大学需要为之提供资助的援助计划。这个SAI计算可能与通过FAFSA计算的SAI不同。


要求CSS PROFILE的每个大学或计划都设定了自己的截止日期,并可能有特定要求。学生应仔细审查每个机构提供的财政援助信息,了解他们的截止日期以及任何需要的额外文件或表格。


对于证明财务需要的学生,可以提供费用减免。费用减免的资格由大学理事会确定,基于CSS PROFILE请中提供的财务信息。

需要注意的是,并非所有的大学和大学都要求提交CSS PROFILE。它主要由具有自己的机构援助计划或需要超出FAFSA收集的额外财务信息的机构使用。学生应检查他们申请的每个机构的财政援助要求,确定是否需要提交CSS PROFILE

总的来说,CSS PROFILE为机构提供了更详细和全面的财务状况,以评估学生是否有资格获得非联邦财政援助



Need-based financial aid is calculated based on a thorough assessment of a student’s financial need, which considers various factors related to their family’s financial situation. The specific calculation methods can vary between institutions, but the general process involves the following key elements:


Cost of Attendance (COA):

The first step in determining need-based financial aid is establishing the total cost of attendance for a particular institution. This includes tuition, fees, housing and food, books, supplies, transportation, and other educational expenses.


Student Aid Index (SAI), formerly known as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC):

The next component is the calculation of the Student Aid Index. The SAI helps Financial Aid Offices at colleges and Universities determine the student’s eligibility for need-based aid. The SAI is determined through a standardized formula, such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which considers factors like family income, assets, household size, and number of family members attending college.


Financial Need:

The financial need is determined by subtracting the Student Aid Index (SAI) from the Cost of Attendance (COA). The resulting figure represents the amount of financial assistance that a student requires to meet their educational expenses. *Certain low income situations will result in an automatic -1500 SAI, which is a similar assessment to a 0 SAI.


Available Financial Aid: Once the financial need is determined, the institution evaluates the available financial aid resources. This includes grants, scholarships, work-study opportunities, and loans. The aid package is designed to meet a portion or all of the student’s demonstrated financial need.


Award Determination:

Based on the financial need and available financial aid resources, the institution determines the specific types and amounts of financial aid to be awarded to the student. The package may consist of a combination of grants (which do not require repayment), scholarships (based on merit or specific criteria), work-study programs (providing part-time employment opportunities), and loans (which require repayment with interest).


It’s important to note that the calculation of need-based financial aid may vary between institutions as different systems and formulas may be used. Students and their families should consult the financial aid offices of the institutions they are applying to for specific information on how need-based financial aid is calculated at those institutions. Additionally, deadlines and application requirements for financial aid should be carefully followed to ensure timely consideration for available assistance.

















